Don't Miss Rochester's Fall Fashion

There are plenty of things to do in the Fall... But, if you like Fashion, take a sneak peak at the up and coming fall shows, because this is THE TIME of year to enjoy it locally. Traditionally, there are a handful of fashion events each fall. This year the selection is focused on one in particular, the ever growing Fashion Week of Rochester

This event draws a crowd that one might describe as the "who's who" of Rochester's east side. If you are wondering what to wear,  my advice is to dress smart, but no need to go in an evening gown. City Chic. Sexy. Fresh. All approved. (Prepare for rain.)

What: This is a sponsored local collection of retailer, models, image professionals, and a sprinkling of actual designers gathering to drum up awareness for the homeless in need at Rochester's Center for Youth

Where: Events vary, shows take place under one central tent. THIS YEAR it is located smack-dab in the middle of Rochester's former inner loop, a small inner city highway currently under demolition. There are also some events that are NOT runway shows, like a local boutique crawl, movie nights, and clothing swap

WhenOct 6- 15, 7 events total including 3 events and 4 fashion shows

Do Not Miss: If you have to choose just one event to attend, do not miss the Grande Finale Show "Fashion in Harmony," as energy will be high and I suspect some musical talent will be on display...