If you haven't noticed, it's been on the quiet side this past summer. And it's NOT because everyone has been on vacation. No, it's because I have been expecting my first baby and went into labor 15 days past my due date... so, that ate up most of July and August!
I have GOT to give credit to all the moms out there who have birthed a child. That was the most physically rigorous thing I have ever experienced. And, it was not the "easy" birth that my "easy" pregnancy seemed to imply. Thirty-six painstaking hours of laboring after contractions started, I FINALLY had a beautiful baby boy. Elliott Wesley, or Little E as we call him at home. I am falling in love a little bit more every day... especially, now that he is learning the meaning of cuddles, smiles, and kisses.
Well, truthfully, I can't say that I had ever aspired to be a mother (i just thought it would be inevitable if not avoidable), but it's got a certain familiarity that I keep recognizing. After birthing two businesses, I have sort of learned (trial-and-error) how to hustle, work efficiently, and work down a list of priorities as fast as possible...while still reserving energy for nourturing clients one-on-one. I get a little high off those days when I get SO MUCH done because I have planned and executed particularly well.
I don't exactly believe in the work SMARTER, not HARDER mantra.
I believe that when you work SMARTER AND HARDER, you get the WORK HARD, PLAY HARD benefit. And I embrace the beauty of completely letting go to be in the moment.
To my clients, family, friends, and folllowers, thank you for all the kind words and support. It's been a crazy season. Now, more than ever before, I see that life is never in truly in balance..
Still it is the striving towards balance that keeps us focused and sane. it is the heart of gratitude that keeps us content and often happy.
Meet, Elliott Wesley Bonawitz. Born July 21, 2016. 7lbs 12oz.
Both myself and Baby E are a little puffy, swollen post-childbirth. Elliott was about 6oz heavier than he should have been, due to all the Fluid IVs I was on for 36 hours.
E has the grandpa scrunch face down pat.