Andrea Bonawitz April 26, 2017 Fashion, LIfe HOW TO Closet Cleanse, Spring Clean, Wardrobe Edit Andrea Bonawitz April 26, 2017 Fashion, LIfe Imagine that every morning you would have the chance to “shop” in your closet for perfectly hung, perfectly fitted, slam-dunk outfits.In this vlog, I share my trade secrets onhow to organize your closet and wardrobe quickly and efficiently! I
Andrea Bonawitz October 12, 2016 Fashion, Wardrobe Closet Cleansing 101 Andrea Bonawitz October 12, 2016 Fashion, Wardrobe Do you have trouble getting dressed in the morning? Too many options. In reality, we all wear only about 1/3 of what is in our wardrobe. Do yourself a BIG favor, and de-clutter the stress out of your life with a quick seasonal closet cleanse.